MA403 Advanced psychology of Sport  (10 ECTS) 

Course facts

Course code
Course title
Advanced psychology of Sport
Course language
Academic responsible
Frank Erik Abrahamsen


This course builds on Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity, and provides a deeper overview of central topics affecting performance in sport participants of all levels. Psychological themes relevant to understanding antecedents and outcomes of young people, adults and elderly's involvement in competitive sport, exercise and physical activity, will be covered. The course will cover important topics such as individual and environmental dynamics, cultural issues, ethics, motivation, emotions, and psychobiology of abled and disabled sport participants.

The course will be taught entirely in English.

Learning outcomes

Students are expected to gain a critical perspective and demonstrate high ability to reflect on psychological mechanisms influencing performance factors in different age group sport participants.

Students will be able to successfully use key sport and exercise psychology theories to inform programs and interventions for athletes and coaches:

  • Motivational, cognitive, organismic and social-ecological theories and & modelsrelevant for learning, performance, and health/wellbeing effects of sport, exercise and physical activity
  • The use of theories and models relating to emotions and beliefs(such as anxiety, stress, enjoyment, vitality, competence, control and attitudinal beliefs) in sport, exercise and physical activity - in order to design interventions affecting learning, performance, health/well-being and behavior change
  • The use of social influence(such as group dynamics, social support, modeling and relatedness) in improving learning, well-being and performance for sport and exercise participants of different levels and age groups
  • The use of adaptive and maladaptive self-regulation (such as planning, monitoring, goal setting, self-handicapping etc.) in order to facilitate learning, performance development well-being in sport and exercise

Learning styles and activities

3 weeks of intensive course work Monday -Friday. Week 1 and 2 comprise lectures, individual & group coursework, discussion & student presentations of assignments. Week 3 individual work on written literature review (final exam). Students shall participate actively and sufficiently in the classes. The student forfeits the right to take the final examination (see below) if the given group assignment has not been conducted by set deadline, or if conducted assignment are not approved.



  • Group assignment written outline with oral presentation during course. Approved/not approved.
  • Final examination: Individually written literature review. Graded A-F.

Please note that tasks delivered in WISEflow will be run through the plagiarism control program Urkund.

Core material

Abrahamsen, F. (Ed.). (2021). MA403: Advanced psychology of sport: Spring 2022 (Digital compendium). Norges idrettshøgskole.
* This PDF is available through Canvas.

The reference list for the Digital Compendium, alphabetical after APA-style, 7th ed.:
Abernethy, B., Maxwell, J. P., Masters, R. S. W., van der Kamp, J. & Jackson, R. C. (2007). Attentional processes in skill learning and expert performance. In C. Tenenbaum & R. C. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology (3rd ed.) (pp. 245-263). John Wiley & Sons.

Hanin, Y. L. (2007). Emotions in sport: Current issues and perspectives. In C. Tenenbaum & R. C. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology (3rd ed.) (pp. 31-58). John Wiley & Sons.

Hanrahan, S. J. & Biddle, S. J. H. (2008). Attribution and perceived control. In T. S. Horn (Ed.), Advances in sport psychology (3rd ed.) (pp. 100-114). Human Kinetics.

Hatfield, B. D. & Kerick, S. E. (2007). The spychology of superior sport performance: A cognitive and affective neuroscience perspective. In C. Tenenbaum & R. C. Eklund (Eds.), Handbook of sport psychology (3rd ed.) (pp. 84-109). John Wiley & Sons.

Masters, T. (2007). Skill learning the implicit way - say noe more! In D. Frarrow, J. Baker & C. MacMahon (Eds.), Developing sport expertise: Researchers and coaches put theory into practice (pp. 89-103). Routledge.

Ntoumanis, N. (2012). A self-determination theory perspective on motivation in sport and physical education: Current trends and possible future research directions. In G. C. Roberts & D. C. Treasure (Eds.), Advances in motivation in sport and exercise (3rd ed.) (pp. 91-128). Human Kinetics.


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Abrahamsen, F. E. & Pensgaard, A. M. (2012). Longitudinal changes in motivational climate and performance anxiety among elite handball players. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 24(1), 31-42.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Allen, M., Jones, M. V. & Sheffield, D. (2010). The Influence of positive reflection on attributions, emotions, and self-efficacy. The Sport Psychologist, 24(2), 211-226.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Allen, M. S., Jones, M. V. & Sheffield, D. (2011). Are the causes assigned to unsatisfactory performance related to the intensity of emotions experienced after competition? Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 7(1), 3-10.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Amorose, A. J., Anderson-Butcher, D. & Cooper, J. (2009). Predicting changes in athletes' well-being from changes in need satisfaction over the course of a competitive season. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 80(2), 386-392.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Bartholomew, K. J., Ntoumanis, N. & Thøgersen-Ntoumani, C. (2009). A review of controlling motivational strategies from a self-determination theory perspective: Implications for sports coaches. International Review of Sport and Exercise Pscyhology, 2(2), 215-233.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.
Beilock, S. L. & Carr, T. H. (2001). On the fragility of skilled performance: What governs choking under pressure? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 130(4), 701-725. 1 1
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Beilock, S. L. & Gonso, S. (2008). Putting in the mind versus putting on the green: Expertise, performance time, and the linking of imagery and action. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 61(6), 920-932.
* This article (PDF) is available through Canvas.
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Carron, A. V., Burke, S. M. & Prapavessis, H. (2004). Self-presentation and group influence. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 16(1), 41-58.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Chatzisarantis, N. L. D., Hagger, M. S. & Brickell, T. (2008). Using the construct of perceived autonomy support to understand social influence within the theory of planned behavior. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 9(1), 27-44.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Coffee, P. (2010). Attributions: Contemporary research and future directions. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 6(2), 6-18.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Cresswell, S. L. & Eklund, R. C. (2007). Athlete burnout: A longitudinal qualitative study. The Sport Psychologist, 21(1), 1-20.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Eriksen, H. R., Murison, R., Pensgaard, A. M. & Ursin, H. (2005). Cognitive activation theory of stress (CATS): From fish brains to the Olympics. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30(10), 933-938.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Evans, L., Hardy, L. & Fleming, S. (2000). Intervention strategies with injured athletes: An action research study. The Sport Psychologist14(2), 188-206.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Eysenck, M .W., Derakshan, N., Santos, R. & Calvo, M. G. (2007). Anxiety and cognitive performance: Attentional control theory. Emotion, 7, 336-353.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Fournier, J. F., Calmels, C., Durand-Bush, N. & Salmela, J. H. (2005). Effects of a season-long PST program on gymnastic performance and on psychological skill development. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 3(1), 59-77.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Friesen, A. & Orlick, T. (2010). A Qualitative analysis of holistic sport psychology consultants' professional philosophies. The Sport Psychologist, 24(2), 227-244.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Giacobbi, P. R., Jr., Hausenblas, H. A., Fallon, E. A. & Hall, C. A. (2003). Even more about exercise imagery: A grounded theory of exercise imagery. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 15(2), 160-175.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Gutkind, S. (2004). Using solution-focused brief counseling to provide injury support. The Sport Psychologist, 18(1), 75-88.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Hill, D. M., Hanton, S., Matthews, N. & Fleming, S. (2010). Choking in sport: A review. International Review of Sport and Exercise Pscyhology, 3(1), 24-39.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Hodge, K., Danish, S. & Martin, J. (2012). Developing a conceptual framework for life skills interventions framework for life skills interventions. The Counseling Psychologist, 1-28.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Hodge, K., Lonsdale, C. & Ng, J. Y. Y. (2008). Burnout in elite rugby: Relationships with basic psychological needs fulfilment. Journal of Sports Sciences, 26(8), 835-844.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Holmes, P. S. & Collins, D. J. (2001). The PETTLEP approach to motor imagery: A functional equivalence model for sport psychologists. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 13(1), 60-83.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Johnson, U., Ekengren, J. & Andersen, M. B. (2005). Injury prevention in Sweden: Helping soccer players at risk. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 27(1), 32-38. doi:
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Lemyre, P. N., Hall, H. K. & Roberts, G. C. (2008). A social cognitive approach to burnout in elite athletes. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports18(2), 221-234.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Lemyre, P.-N., Treasure, D. C. & Roberts, G. C. (2006). Influence of variability in motivation and affect on elite athlete burnout susceptibility. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 28(1), 32-48.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Mallet, C. J. (2005). Self-determination theory: A case study of evidence-based coaching. The Sport Psychologist, 19(4), 417-429.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Masters, R. S. W. (1992). Knowledge, knerves, and know-how: The role of explicit versus implicit knowledge in the breakdown of a complex motor skill under pressure. British Journal of Psychology, 83(3), 343-358.
* This article (PDF) is available through Canvas.
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Masters, R. & Maxwell, J. (2008). The theory of reinvestment. International Review of Sport and Exercise Pscyhology, 1(2), 160-183.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

McArdle, S. & Moore, P. (2012). Applying evidence-based principles from CBT to sport psychology. The Sport Psychologist26(2), 299-310.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Milne, M., Hall, C. & Forwell, L. (2005). Self-efficacy, imagery use, and adherence to rehabilitation by injured athletes. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation, 14(2), 150-167.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Mullen, R. & Hardy, L. (2010). Conscious processing and the process goal paradox. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 32(3), 275-297.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Nordbotten, T., Abrahamsen, F. E. & Karlsen, J. (2012). Motivational climate and self-handicapping in elite junior golf. International Journal of Applied Sports Sciences, 24(1), 43-58.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Pensgaard, A. M. & Abrahamsen, F. E. (2012). Potentials and pitfalls: Long-term versus short-term sport psychology involvement with Olympic and Paralympic athletes. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action3(2), 119-126.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Prapavessis, H., Grove, J. & Eklund, R. (2004). Self-presentational issues in competition and sport. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 16(1), 19-40.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Reinboth, M. & Duda, J. L. (2004). The motivational climate, perceived ability, and athletes' psychological and physical well-being. The Sport Psychologist, 18(3), 237-251.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Reinboth, M. & Duda, J. L. (2006). Perceived motivational climate, need satisfaction and indices of well-being in team sports: A longitudinal perspective. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 7(3), 269-286.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Shearer, D. A., Holmes, P. & Mellalieu, S. D. (2009). Collective efficacy in sport: The future from a social neuroscience perspective. International Review of Sport and Exercise Pscyhology, 2(1), 38-53.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Skinner, N. & Brewer, N. (2004). Adaptive approaches to competition: Challenge appraisals and positive emotion. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 26(2), 283-305.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Smith, D., Collins, D. & Holmes, P. (2003). Impact and mechanism of mental practice effects on strength. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1(3), 293-306.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Smith, R. E. (2006). Understanding sport behavior: A cognitive-affective processing systems approach. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 18(1), 1-27.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Standage, M., Duda, J. L. & Pensgaard, A. M. (2005). The effect of competitive outcome and task-involving, ego-involving, and cooperative structures on the psychological well-being of individuals engaged in a co-ordination task: A self-determination approach. Motivation and Emotion, 29(1), 41-68.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Thomas, O., Maynard, I. & Hanton, S. (2007). Intervening with athletes during the time leading up to competition: Theory to practice II. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 19(4), 398-418.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Ursin, H. & Eriksen, H.R. (2004). The cognitive activation theory of stress. Psychoneuroendocrinology29(5), 567-592.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Waldén, M., Hägglund, M. & Ekstrand, J. (2005). Injuries in Swedish elite football: A prospective study on injury definitions, risk for injury and injury pattern during 2001. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 15, 118-125.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Williams, A. M., Vickers, J. & Rodrigues, S. (2002). The effects of anxiety on visual search, movement kinematics, and performance in table tennis: A test of Eysenck and Calvo's processing efficiency theory. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 24(4), 438-455.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Williams, S. & Cumming, J. (2012). Challenge vs. threat: Investigating the effect of using imagery to manipulate stress appraisal of a dart throwing task. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 8(1), 4-21.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.

Wong, W. L., Masters, R. S. W., Maxwell, J. P. & Abernathy, A. B. (2008). Reinvestment and falls in community-dwelling older adults. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 22, 410-414.
* This article is available online: Click here to download.